Alumni-in-Residence: Sign Up for Office Hours with Dr. Robert Kuklis '61, Lifelong Educator
The Loeb Center's Alumni-in-Residence program is excited to offer 20-minute, 1-on-1, informational office hour appointments with lifelong educator Dr. Robert Kuklis '61.
Robert ("Bob") Kuklis '61 taught social studies in four secondary schools, including serving as a department chairperson for nine years in one; led as principal of three very different high schools; served as an assistant superintendent of schools for curriculum and instruction in one district for seven years; and concluded his career teaching, consulting, mentoring, coaching, supervising student teachers and prospective administrators, and writing.
With two colleagues, he authored Transforming Schools: Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement, the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) membership book for 2004. Dr. Kuklis is passionate about both school reform initiatives and strategies, as well as teacher and education leader preparation.
Students interested in teaching, research, education leadership or advocacy work are encouraged to sign up for a 20-minute session with this very experienced and learned practitioner of education professions.
Alumni-in-Residence office hours appointments are available on a first-come, first-served basis to current sophomores, juniors and seniors. (Alumni-in-Residence group events are open to all class years.) Submit your resume to sign up for a time slot!